
Foundation, Vision, Mission and Goals

The Department Foundation

The Department of Architecture Was founded in 1977 and since its early days its goal was to make the architecture as a practice, study and search to be a graduate character Graduation Alumni is an example of what we want the Iraqi Architect to be .
 I was fortunate to be one of the founders of this department which have great reputation  throughout the world, and I am delighted by their achievements and by the good reputation they have .
 This department was not only a place to study, but also an important place for development and the department grew thrown  of its students and some of them became faculty members in our department.
 This is what makes us all proud of our department , looking forward  with background vision the Department of Architecture at the University of Technology will expand and  develop to be a distinctive Department because of it ways  from opportunities and areas to handle knowledge, the excitement, and the interest in  architecture. I will not be exaggerating to say that our students are prided by everything that our department offer to them like  handling dilemmas and design skill .
 The distinction achivements of the students and alumni of this department was not in the field of architecture alone, but also the students of the Department have received distinct awards at the Festival of sovereignty for the past three years and also an award from the Council of Ministers of Housing and Reconstruction of Arabs in the Arab League to one faculty member: Also the university activities relationship with the community has strengthened this year by organizing visits for some students in our Department  to institutions of public welfare, As for  sports, Students also obtained advanced degrees, as well as win the first award of the university glorious Koran readers by one of the first year students. Also in multiple art and architectural galleries, also the head of the department is proud of publishing the Iraqi architecture magazine by major effort by all department staff with the active participation of researchers and specialists.We are proud of our department, our students, professors, Graduation , and the university administration which entrusted our Department and encouraged us to prosperity and development. I invite everyone to join efforts to build our dear country as befits the name of Iraq and the bright future that awaits him

Architectural Engineering Department Establishment

The Dean Speech

The  Department of Architecture since its establishment in 1977 aiming at enriching the architectural identity by hard work through keeping peace with the updating technologies within the field of engineering and other sciences that contribute to the development of the educational process through the application of various software in the field of architecture to achieve the most efficient standards of scientific performance and quality assurance.

We have consistently been urging faculty members and postgraduate students to provide a scientifically research characterized by sobriety in various sections of architectural engineering, particularly those that contribute to community service.

Hence, we announce that our duty embodied in our responsibility depending mainly on the active participation between the faculty members and the employees of the department to achieve the goals pursued by the department since its establishment.

Our pursuit is to develop the academic curriculum to keep pace with the requirements and techniques of E-learning by creating an educational environment suitable for contemporary educational methods through developing teaching staff in the department, spreading a culture of quality assurance, and supporting participation in the conferences and seminars of local and international educational symposium as well as benefiting from scholars who to provide the educational process with their experience as they have perspectives towards teaching methods to cope with modern methods applied in international universities.

We always seek effective twinning with Arab and international universities through exchanging scientific and engineering experiences aiming at scientific and cultural communication achievements within the disciplines of architecture.

Hence our mission was to graduate an efficient architect with distinguished engineering qualifications. We have an ethical and professional responsibility to diagnose weaknesses and reinforce strengths.

may almighty God help us and guide our steps to preserve the scientific trust by complete the educational process in its best way.

Assistant Prof .Dr.afaa Aldeen Hussain Ali Al Samarrai

Head of Architectural Engineering Department

The Vision

The Vision

To prepare graduates possessing all the required means and have objectives and goals for the development of the department in order to create an architectural environment with a distinctive visual qualities respecting values, heritage and the architectural regional identities. And also, to make learning a contentious process throughout the professional life.

The Mission

The Mission

The department aims to provide an inclusive environment allowing the student to identify and deal with means that are relevant to the profession; and to familiarize him/her with all relevant theoretical and practical advances using appropriate tools that could help in solving design problems and reach the distinguished levels of quality as it is the case in the international universities.

The Goals

The Goals

The highlighted goals for which the department was built:
Giving the priority for technical and practical aspects of architectural culture corresponding to the engineers’ needs in study and practice.
Linking the theoretical aspects with the ones concerning the design and combining them into a field of practice and creation.
Providing a wide range of scientific materials in order to allow the students to access in specific specialties or scientific researches as well on the level of practice or specialized studies and bringing in the new vocabulary with which they are invented through the local and global developments.
Giving the students enough times at the drawing classes to enable him to rely on his abilities in giving decisions in an approach to equal the time of study with the time of practice.
Linking the architectural art with the nature of the country, culturally, historically, geographically and socially and refining the ability of the student to evaluate the architectural effects and its styles, terms, techniques and taming his/her intellectual solutions needed by the country and society.
Simulating the student to invest the Opportunities the University offers to enable him/her to identify the scientific culture and learn about the engineering and scientific specialties in other departments and expanding his/her mental and physical perceptions.